António Agostinho Neto square
Dr. António Agostinho Neto Square, the best known square in the city of Huambo, built between 1935 and 1945, and named Dr. Manuel de Arriaga Square in the colonial period; Parque Almirante Américo Tomás, located in the center of the city, has a park for children and a cold greenhouse;
Anthropological Museum, installed in the old building where they lived the employees of the Radio and the Post Office,
built in 1935, 21 years before the creation of the Huambo Regional Museum. The museum gathered a collection of about 1500 pieces, from collections of Sacred Art, Anthropomorphism, Ethnography, Painting, Traditional Medicine, among others, that showed the customs and customs of the Central Plateau region;
The Ruacaná and New York buildings, located on the block of Independence Avenue and Rua da Ganda. These two buildings represent the best architecture of the city: the Ruacaná is a good example of modern architecture, the first metad and the twentieth century, characterized by the rigor and simplicity of its geometry, especially the balcony and the tower. On the other hand, the building of the New York shop, facing Alves Roçada Street, is a good example of a chain with origins in Brutalism (modern movement, between 1950 and 1960) and is evidenced by the concrete structure used as a formal and decorative element.