Huambo Infos


12:27 am, Mar 14, 2025
temperature icon 16°C
Humidity 97 %
Wind Gust Wind Gust: 13 mph
Clouds Clouds: 100%
Sunrise Sunrise: 6:00 am
Sunset Sunset: 6:11 pm

Keve River

About 90km west of the city of Huambo are the Mupas do Cuiva, in the municipality of Ukuma, with cataracts and agitated waters conducive to sports canoeing. Caála is located 23km west of Huambo and it is here that we find one of the first rebuilt churches of the province, the chapel of Nossa Senhora do Monte.

To the north is Monte Nganda, an impressive group of rocks that was once the capital of the Bailundo kingdom. Between the rocks open some caves. Also worth visiting is the Center for
the Sacaála Study Center, the City Hall, the Municipal Anthropological Museum, the Huambo Regional Museum, the Embala Grande Ruins and the King Ekuikui Tomb in Bailundo. There are also several municipal gardens and flowering fields, where you can appreciate the dahlias, a flower that is said to exist more than 500 varieties in the province.