Huambo Infos


9:00 am, Mar 14, 2025
temperature icon 17°C
Humidity 88 %
Wind Gust Wind Gust: 5 mph
Clouds Clouds: 100%
Sunrise Sunrise: 6:00 am
Sunset Sunset: 6:11 pm

Mountain Climbing

Morro de Moco is an 8596 foot / 2620 m mountain peak near Longonjo, Huambo, Angola. Based on peakery data, it ranks as the first highest mountain in Huambo and the first highest mountain in Angola. The nearest peaks are Ununo, Serra Malica, Dundo, Casseque, Tchilono Mountains, and Monte Tchiungue. Morro de Moco belongs to the World Country high points peak list. See map Morro de Moco, 3D fly around, and Morro de Moco photos to get a better idea of ​​the mountain.